CROBSI, National Blockchain Pilot Infrastructure

In cooperation with the Ruđer Bošković Institute

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What is CROBSI?

Croatian National Blockchain Infrastructure pilot

CROBSI is built on a HashNET technology, that employs DLT and consensus algorithm that keeps all positive characteristics of blockchain technology while increasing throughput to more than 20,000 transactions per second.

Project Scope?

To develop a framework/mechanism for development and implementation of Blockchain services infrastructure, which will be compatible and in line with European Blockchain services infrastructure and usable or extendable globally.

First SI-Chain application operational!

4thpillar technologies joined the Slovenian national blockchain testing infrastructure called SI-Chain at the beginning of 2020, since then, the team has been productive. It has already launched its first application, 4thtech’s eDelivery. eDelivery is a service that allows the secure and reliable exchange of documents and data across borders and sectors.

Second Si-Chain application. puts the country of Slovenia on the map of technologically advanced smart green countries as the first country in history to officially issue a series of non-fungible crypto tokens (“NFT”) in the form of digital souvenirs for visitors of EXPO2020 Dubai fair.


We'll Just Go Through Technology, Applications And Use Cases


The Technology

CROBSI is built on a HashNET technology, that employs Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) and consensus algorithm that keeps all positive characteristics of blockchain technology while increasing throughput to more than 20,000 transactions per second.


HashNET, CROBSI DLT as Ethereum alternative

HashNET has become the first 100% compatible alternative to the Ethereum network, enabling all the existing Ethereum users to use the same tools, but with additional features of the native HashNET network!


Java, Android and Solidity as CROBSI benefits

Using lightweight Java and Android library for integration that is already proven and Solidity for smart-contracts, clients will benefit from the best features of the CROBSI network and easy way to port their apps to the much better alternative.


CROBSI as eDelivery electronic data and document exchange (i.e. SICaeE)

The CROBSI blockchain eDelivery protocol (i.e. SICaeE) application leverage trust provided by the blockchain and provides secure, immutable, instant cross-border electronic data and document exchange.

Become a part of CROBSI family

Join the CROBSI Initiative and Partner Program

Join the CROBSI initiative and CROBSI partner testing program. CROBSI Pilot transactions offer EMV smart contracts and Ethereum compatible dApp environment and as first application electronic data and document exchange and eDelivery . CROBSI initiative explores the necessary supporting tools for implementing Blockchain services and outline the technology infrastructures which can support high speed and scalable fourth generation blockchain technology.


Project Main Objectives

The establishment of a Croatian blockchain advanced network under the consortium of the public and private sector.
Research and development of the future Croatian blockchain standards for future recommendations.
To provide the Croatian blockchain infrastructure and applications to service organisations cross-border.

In cooperation with the Ministry of Economic Development and Technology

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